2023 Cross Banner

主办机构:中国国际贸易促进委员会农业行业分会 (农业农村部农业贸易促进中心) | 海外协办:美国海洋展览公司 Sea Fare Expositions, Inc.


  • 联合国食品法典与水产品安全—
    Codex Alimentarus and fish safety Dr. Lahsen Ababouch, Chief, FAO/FIIU 联合国粮农组织
  • 最新欧盟等国食品安全政策及法律法规对水产品国际贸易影响
    Risk analysis and regulations, their importance to fish international trade
    Mr. Hector Lupin, Senior Fishery Officer, FAO/FIIU联合国粮农组织
  • 挪威水产品安全立法及水产品质量安全的监控管理
    Seafood Safety in Norway
    Prof Oyvind Lie, director at NIFES 挪威NIFES主任
  • 中国水产品进出口立法、管理以及我国水产品进出口面临的问题
    Management, and Detailed Requirements
    Mr. Kong Fanming, Shandong Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China
  • 如何建立水产品可追溯体系
    Traceability of fish and fish products
    Mr. Hector Lupin, SFO, FAO/FIIU联合国粮农组织
  • 挪威水产企业是如何建立质量安全可追溯性体系及其经验挪威海产外贸局
    Practice in implementation of traceability system in Norwegian seafood industry, Speaker to be selected and provided by Norwegian Seafood Council


  • 中国政府在促进水产品质量安全方面作出的努力
    Aquaculture and safety: Chinese Government efforts in promoting quality and safety production of aquaculture
    Mr. Ding Xiaoming, Chief, Bureau of Fisheries , China
  • BOXYL-325, Decontamination Product for Fish Processing Industry The New Way of Thinking for Fish Industry BOXYL-325,水产加工助剂——水产加工保鲜杀菌的新方案
  • 全雌大菱鲆育种技术
    Culturing Technology for Whole Female Turbot
    Big Nutrition in Little Packages Aquatic Diets of the Future May be Formulated Cell by Cell
  • Impingement Freezing & Coating/Frying technologies
  • 波利马保温箱:您效率和利润的保证!
    Polymer Insulation Chests: Your Efficiency and Profits!
  • 美国食品法规学术研讨会
    Seminar on U.S. Foods Regulation
    Complying with the U.S. Bioterrorism Act & Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Laws The Bioterrorism Act: Companies that namufacture, process, pack or hold seafood consumed in the U.S. must comply with the registration, U.S. Agent, and Prior Notice requirements of the Bioterrorism Act. 主讲人:大卫.纳兹先生,FDA registrar Corp. 副总经理
    David Lennarz, vice President of FDA Registrar Corp.